Tips for Keeping Cool this Summer

Tips for Keeping Cool this Summer

July is one of the hottest months of the year. The air is thicker, and temperatures reach the highest point during summer break. It’s important to care for our health and stay hydrated during these boiling days as we move throughout our busy day and to-do lists. Below are some helpful and healthy tips to surviving the heat and feeling your best!

#1 Of course, H20.

The best time to fill up on your water intake is in the morning. Drink 20 ounces of water to stay hydrated during your day. Morning hydration has the power to change your cellular hydration for an entire day!

#2 Eat your fruit!

Most fruits are cooling foods. Add some watermelon, apples, strawberries or cantaloupe to your meals. Get creative and try new salad recipes and desserts!

#3 Avoid inflammatory foods.

Make healthy decisions when your summer cravings kick in. Try to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugar intake as much as possible. Keep your diet in check to release the risk of temptations. Instead consume lighter beverage alternatives. Add teas and infused water to your hydration list.

#4 Add aloe.

Aloe Vera is an amazing ingredient that’s been used for years to cool skin irritations and burns by soothing and treating. You can also add it to your juices and smoothies for an inside-out glow that keeps you feeling cooler all day! 

#5 Do yoga.

Certain yoga poses can help cool your system during the warm summer days. According to Ayurveda methods, summer is associated with the fire element. To help balance and pacify this pitta energy, yoga inversion poses can boost your heart health by filtering the blood in your legs and lower body. Backbends are great to integrate into your practice!

#6 Spritz some spray.

There are several essential oils you can use to bring cooling energy to the space you’re in. Peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, and citrus oils all have a cooling effect in the air. Add some to your space to invite a breezy sensation to your stuffy summer evening!

Try these tips to feel lighter and cooler during the summer so you can feel your very best! Stay cool!



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