How to Avoid Injuries in Yoga

Most people think of yoga as a peaceful and healing practice. It surprises some beginners to learn that it’s possible to get hurt while doing yoga. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the risk of injury from any yoga style.

avoid injuries in yoga

Go to a yoga class that’s appropriate for you.

Read class descriptions carefully to get an idea of what to expect. Most studios will indicate the intensity level of classes, so students can choose wisely. If you are just starting out, it would be beneficial for you to attend yoga sessions for beginners to train yourself in proper alignment. Doing a little bit of research on different teachers and yoga styles will go a long way in making your experience safer and more enjoyable.

Let go of competitiveness.

Check your ego at the door. When you’re on your mat, you’re not competing with other students. You’re not even competing with yourself! Injuries can happen when you try to outdo other people in class by forcing yourself into a pose you’re not ready for. You can also get hurt by constantly pushing yourself to your edge every time you practice. There is no need to be “better than” you were the last time. Progress in yoga is not measured by the performance of poses. Having a mature yoga practice means you know when to challenge yourself and when to go easy on your body.

Keep your attention inward.

A lot of yoga poses are visually appealing. It’s tempting to get into a pose simply because it looks beautiful, even though your body is not trained to execute it. Remember that your internal experience is way more important than your outward appearance when practicing yoga. Everyone will interpret poses uniquely because of differences in bone structure, experience level, and other factors. Focus on how you feel instead of how you look in the pose. There will be some discomfort when you move and stretch the body in unusual ways and that’s okay. What’s not okay is sharp, extreme, and unbearable pain! A consistent yoga practice will refine your attention to a point where you can distinguish sensations that are acceptable from those that are dangerous. Keeping your awareness on how you’re feeling moment to moment will help ensure your safety.

There is an ethical principle in yoga called Ahimsa. It is a Sanskrit word that translates to non-harming or non-violence. Contemplating and applying this principle in yoga and in daily life is a powerful way to increase compassion for ourselves and others. Keep Ahimsa and these simple tips in mind so you can avoid injuries in yoga and enjoy your practice for many more years.

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